Seven Common Ways To Bypass Login Page

 There are many ways to bypass login page functionality but in this blog, we are discussing some common ways that are widely used in previous years and still, 70% of websites' login pages are exploited with these methods.

We are talking about these seven ways 

1. Bypass by SQL Injection

2. By Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)

3. By Manipulating the Response

4. Bypass by Brute Force Attack

5. Bypass by Directory Fuzzing Attack

6. Bypass by Default credentials

7. By Removing Parameters in the Request

1. Bypass by SQL Injection

I am taking an example of Mutillidae for demonstration.

So now we can put the SQL injection payload in it. For this syntax error, the payload is “ ‘ or 1=1

Boooom!! we are logged in as admin. In your case try other payloads when it not working and also use the SQLMap tool to dump the usernames and passwords.

2. By Cross-Site Scripting(XSS)

Enter the XSS payload <script>alert(1)</script> and it shows the popup, so you can try CSRF via XSS and see the victim's credentials. 

3. By Manipulating the Response

This method is mainly based on Response Status code manipulation and Response Body manipulation. First of all, make an account on your target then log in with the correct credentials and intercepts the request in the burp suite,h and analyze the response after that you try to log in with the wrong credentials and manipulate the response as you see it with your correct credentials.

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4. Bypass by Brute Force Attack

This attack mainly occurs when the site does not set the time limit and repeating limit, basically does not set the time delay function on the login page. When you enter repeatedly the wrong credentials and site shows the time like enter credentials after 5 minutes. When the site shows this kind of error so it is difficult to do this method. 

5. Bypass by Directory Fuzzing Attack

In this method, we try to do directory brute forcing with the help of some tools like ffuf, gobuster, and burp suite intruder, etc. Most of the tools have their own directory wordlist but when it does not have a wordlist so in Linux it has its own wordlist you use them for windows you can search on google.

In this attack may be possible, the tool can find any directory or subdirectory which shows useful response or open any page which only open when you logged in site.

6. Bypass by Default credentials

When the developer creates the site, he creates some default credentials for testing, and many times it happens that he removes it or many times he does not remove it from the record. And when the site allows any password to be entered, many users can enter weak passwords and the site accept them. So you should try the default credentials. The default credentials list becomes easily available on Google. Default credentials like admin: admin, admin: password, username:pass12345, etc.

7. By Removing Parameters in the Request

When you enter the wrong credentials the site shows errors like username and password is incorrect/does not match, the password is incorrect for this username, etc, this type of response is shown by the site so can try this method Huh. First, you intercept the request and remove the password parameter in the request and forward the request. Then the server sees that the username is available and logs you into the site. This problem occurs when the server does not analyze the request correctly.

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